If summer had a taste, it would be the sweet flavor of a succulent, ripe peach. There’s a thousand ways to enjoy this delicious stone fruit, but since you’re probably grilling anyways – why not add some peaches to the mix? This recipe is also a simple camp dessert that’s sure to impress.
Fresh Peaches – 2 or 3
Balsamic Vinegar – 1 cup
A handful of fresh basil
Vanilla Ice Cream – As much as you want
1. Clean and prepare your grill (the Takibi Fire and Grill and BBQ Box are great options) for medium heat zones.
2. Slice peaches in half, remove pits.
3. Place peaches on the grill, then begin reducing the vinegar.
4. On the stovetop (like the Flat Burner or Baja Burner), simmer the balsamic vinegar in a saucepan for 10-15 minutes. The liquid should reduce by at least a third.
5. Scoop a generous helping of ice cream into a bowl, top with peaches, then drizzle with the balsamic reduction.
6. Enjoy peachy bliss.